martes, agosto 14, 2012


Following with my autobiography on cardboard with staples I felt like looking a lot of the pieces all together (260 more or less) and little by little I was selecting the ones I think are more interesting for me,
taking into account the esthetic concept as well.

So, this video shows my life from a very profound point of view, even if you don't know me you can extract the nectar of my soul.

I try to be humble and working with almost all the sincerity I am able to.
Sometimes I have to take care because I don't wanna hurt my mother's sensibility, she deserves some respect.

She is hard to please and our way of thinking are opposite in many fields which make me try to be careful sometimes....

I am glad working with my cardboards. I make different objects with them, books, boxes and so on.

Siguiendo con el proyecto de mi autobiografía sobre cartones con grapas, me ha apetecido poner unos cuantos frente a mi e ir seleccionando los que me parecen mas interesantes, teniendo en cuanta sobretodo el concepto estético.
Considero que este video muestra mi verdadero ser profundamente.
Trato de trabajar con humildad y sinceridad aunque a veces me contengo porque no quisiera que mi madre se sintiera herida, ya le he dado mas disgustos de los que se merece a lo largo de mi vida.
Me complace trabajar con los cartones y además me ofrecen muchas posibilidades: libros de artista, cajas, carpetas, paquetes...

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